martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Blair & Chuck II

Blair: What took you so long?

Chuck: If you tought that was long you have no idea what you're in for ... Say it

Blair: Say what? I'll say anything

Chuck: Say those 3 words you wanted me to say
Blair: Are u kidding?

Chuck: Not quite. 8 leters, 3 sillables, say it and I'm all yours

Blair: But I'm already yours, you are ruining the mood with all this talk

Chuck: You can't say it, you wanted it from me

Blair: I'm prepared to settle

Chuck: Maybe I´m not

Blair:Chuck Bass, I ...will never say those words to you

Chuck: Then you will never have me

3 comentarios:

¨. o O * LauLollypop * O o .¨ dijo...

Hola guapa!!!Yo tb tengo que encontrar unas asi, para el vestido o no, xq me encantan!!!jajaja.
Pues si consigo arreglar mi camara, habrá fotillos, es en septiembre....tengo tiempo de comprarme otra,jajaja.
Un besote Bunny wapa!

Sandra dijo...

Ay madre.. que video, que cama con velas.. QUE VOZ! :fiebre:

bloody mery dijo...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ñiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^^

vi q pusieras el otro dia la cancion d calle ocho... cuando salgo x ahi y la ponen lo flipo yo sola d mala manera